Wednesday, February 27, 2008

8th Grade Project

February 26th, 2008

For this year they have brought back the 8th grade project. Last year, they had skipped it for some reason. Everyone is figuring out their ideas for the project and I still don't have a clue on what to do it on. My first thought of what to do was something about the health of your body. After talking to Mr. Jokinen he gave good ideas such as an exercise video or diets mean't for elders. I have been thinking I should do something that can really help someone such as young kids. Things like exercises or eating healthy instructions for kids. I am sure things like those could lower the growing obesity in children and lower the change of getting heart disease when they get older.


garret said...

That sounds sweet austin. That your going to help the kids with a food chart. Because a lot of kids suffer from obisede, and heart disease. That gona be a pretty sweet project. Hope you project turns out good.

casey said...

That sounds great Austin. I am glad you are going to help little kids. because a lot of kids are bigger these days and aren't as healthy as we were back in the day. This is going to be a great pice of art when you finsh. Hope you do good.

shane said...

austin that is a really good idea the obesity crises is really bad. I wouldn't know because Im problem the healthiest person you know but whatever your project sounds great because it will help people good job............good job

C dawg said...

this is a cool post! i liked this post because it was talking about the 8th grade project. it sounds like a big crises. i hope your project gets an A! couran out.

Chirs said...

I think its great that you are trying to help people out. There are a lot of kids out there who need help. Your project sounds intense. This is sounds like it is going to be very chalenging becuase it is a hard topic. I wish you good luck on your project.