Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dustin Carter

March 20th, 2008

One time awhile back I got home from school and my mom had me watch the video on Dustin Carter like the video we watched today. I thought that it was amazing that he had gotten over his difficulties and finally became a good wrestler. Since I am planning on wrestling during highschool I thought his story was very inspirational. I am looking to be a good enough wrestler to do good in the competitions we participate in throught the wrestling season in the highschool. The version of the story I watched on the internet was a little bit different and longer and it showed some of the ways that he trained. Dustin had very creative ways of exercising. It was a very insteresting and inspiring video.


daniel said...

austin, good entry i lied it because this kid was very inspirational. im sure youll be a good wrestler in high school also. your a great writer and i think you should cvontinue writing things like this.


Justina* said...

You did a great job on this entry.
Because you had great content.
And I liked how after you watched the video at school you watched him at home too.
I think Dustin is really cool too.
He's one of my heros.

Emma said...

I like this blog because this video was very insperational. It must have really sucked to not have any legs but the kid in the video didn't seem bothered by it. I think you will be a good wrestler in highschool too, because you are very strong. And i think it is really cool how after you watched the video in school you also went home and watched more videos of him. Good job, keep writing good blogs.


O Rock said...

I thought that the video was inspiring to, alhough i dnt restle. It shows that if you put your mind to something you can acomplish it. The way you wrote this was nice. Good job. Keep on writing.

brittany. said...

I liked this because dustin is a good wrestler and you liek to wrestle. haha thats what she said. anyways im glad this was inspirtional to you!

Harrison said...

I liked your entry because it had alot of content in it. I felt inspired after I watched the video of Dustin too. I thought it was cool how you watched more of him when you got home. I wish there were more people like Dustin Carter. Fantastic entry Austin!

C dawg said...

I liked this story because it talks about an inspirational person. not every day you see a post like this one. Im sure that you'll be a fine wrestler. That is, with the right practice! HAHA! I'll comment again on your post later.

C dawg said...

I liked this story because it talks about an inspirational person. not every day you see a post like this one. Im sure that you'll be a fine wrestler. That is, with the right practice! HAHA! I'll comment again on your post later.